1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: BuildingCoder, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(37,33,37,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(37,55,37,63): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(174,19,174,27): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(209,30,209,45): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(221,38,221,46): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\Util.cs(1447,7,1447,21): warning CS0618: 'UnitSymbolType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SymbolTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDimensionWallsIterateFaces.cs(455,25,455,40): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDimensionWallsIterateFaces.cs(454,19,455,58): warning CS0618: 'UnitUtils.ConvertToInternalUnits(double, DisplayUnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ConvertToInternalUnits(double, ForgeTypeId)` overload instead.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(223,41,223,49): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(228,29,228,37): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(229,28,229,36): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(230,33,230,41): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(231,42,231,50): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(233,40,233,48): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(234,32,234,40): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(236,47,236,55): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(237,41,237,49): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(238,42,238,50): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(239,43,239,51): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(240,45,240,53): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(241,43,241,51): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(242,46,242,54): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(243,51,243,59): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(244,43,244,51): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(245,39,245,47): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(246,46,246,54): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(247,41,247,49): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(248,29,248,37): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(249,43,249,51): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(250,38,250,46): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(252,35,252,43): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(253,42,253,50): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(254,55,254,63): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(255,50,255,58): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(256,52,256,60): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(257,52,257,60): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(258,53,258,61): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(259,39,259,47): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(260,52,260,60): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(261,54,261,62): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(262,40,262,48): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(263,35,263,43): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(264,36,264,44): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(265,34,265,42): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(266,34,266,42): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(267,36,267,44): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(268,36,268,44): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(269,39,269,47): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(270,52,270,60): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(271,54,271,62): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(272,33,272,41): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(273,40,273,48): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(274,36,274,44): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(275,37,275,45): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(276,33,276,41): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(277,39,277,47): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(278,36,278,44): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(279,37,279,45): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(280,30,280,38): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(281,35,281,43): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(282,49,282,57): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(283,44,283,52): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(285,36,285,44): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(287,30,287,38): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(289,30,289,38): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(290,32,290,40): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(291,37,291,45): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(292,34,292,42): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(293,38,293,46): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(294,38,294,46): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(295,39,295,47): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(296,35,296,43): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(297,41,297,49): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(298,38,298,46): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(299,39,299,47): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(300,36,300,44): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(303,29,303,37): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(304,30,304,38): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(306,34,306,42): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(307,30,307,38): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(308,32,308,40): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(40,7,40,15): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(48,26,49,30): warning CS0618: 'Units.GetFormatOptions(UnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `GetFormatOptions(ForgeTypeId)` overload instead.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(51,7,51,22): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(51,29,51,44): warning CS0618: 'FormatOptions.DisplayUnits' is obsolete: 'This property is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `GetUnitTypeId()` and `SetUnitTypeId(ForgeTypeId)` methods instead.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(60,14,60,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(62,14,62,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(64,14,64,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(66,14,66,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(68,14,68,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(71,14,71,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(74,14,74,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(76,14,76,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(83,14,83,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(85,14,85,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(87,14,87,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(89,14,89,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(91,14,91,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(93,14,93,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(95,14,95,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(101,14,101,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(103,14,103,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(105,14,105,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(107,14,107,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(109,14,109,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(111,14,111,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(113,14,113,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(115,14,115,29): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(144,7,144,15): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(149,14,149,22): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(152,14,152,22): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(156,14,156,22): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs(214,11,214,38): warning CS0618: 'LabelUtils.GetLabelFor(DisplayUnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `GetLabelForUnit(ForgeTypeId)` method instead.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDimensionWallsIterateFaces.cs(367,29,367,44): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDimensionWallsIterateFaces.cs(366,21,367,62): warning CS0618: 'UnitUtils.ConvertToInternalUnits(double, DisplayUnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ConvertToInternalUnits(double, ForgeTypeId)` overload instead.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(41,13,41,28): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(43,41,43,49): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(45,16,45,24): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(53,13,53,21): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(54,14,54,22): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(59,16,59,52): warning CS0618: 'UnitUtils.GetValidDisplayUnits(UnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `GetValidUnits(ForgeTypeId)` method instead.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(61,18,61,33): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(68,32,68,40): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(88,32,88,47): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(89,32,89,47): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(90,32,90,47): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(91,32,91,47): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(92,32,92,47): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(93,32,93,47): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(94,32,94,47): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(95,32,95,47): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(96,32,96,47): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(97,32,97,47): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(98,33,98,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(99,33,99,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(100,33,100,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(101,33,101,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(102,33,102,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(103,33,103,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(104,33,104,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(105,33,105,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(106,33,106,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(107,33,107,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(108,33,108,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(109,33,109,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(110,33,110,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(111,33,111,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(112,33,112,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(113,33,113,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(114,33,114,48): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(119,7,119,22): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(120,11,120,26): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(130,12,130,27): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(130,32,130,47): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(135,21,135,29): warning CS0618: 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(146,11,146,49): warning CS0618: 'FormatOptions.GetValidUnitSymbols(DisplayUnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `GetValidSymbols(ForgeTypeId)` method instead.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(147,26,147,40): warning CS0618: 'UnitSymbolType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SymbolTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(148,21,148,35): warning CS0618: 'UnitSymbolType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SymbolTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(149,20,149,47): warning CS0618: 'LabelUtils.GetLabelFor(UnitSymbolType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `GetLabelForSymbol(ForgeTypeId)` method instead.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs(154,11,154,38): warning CS0618: 'LabelUtils.GetLabelFor(DisplayUnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `GetLabelForUnit(ForgeTypeId)` method instead.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdElectricalLoad.cs(84,11,84,26): warning CS0618: 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' 1>Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdElectricalLoad.cs(82,20,84,45): warning CS0618: 'UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(double, DisplayUnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ConvertFromInternalUnits(double, ForgeTypeId)` overload instead.' 1> BuildingCoder -> Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\bin\Debug\BuildingCoder.dll ========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ========== Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 306 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitUtils.ConvertToInternalUnits(double, DisplayUnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ConvertToInternalUnits(double, ForgeTypeId)` overload instead.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDimensionWallsIterateFaces.cs 366 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDimensionWallsIterateFaces.cs 367 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitUtils.ConvertToInternalUnits(double, DisplayUnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ConvertToInternalUnits(double, ForgeTypeId)` overload instead.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDimensionWallsIterateFaces.cs 454 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDimensionWallsIterateFaces.cs 455 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 37 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 37 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 41 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 43 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 45 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 53 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 54 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitUtils.GetValidDisplayUnits(UnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `GetValidUnits(ForgeTypeId)` method instead.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 59 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 61 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 68 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 88 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 89 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 90 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 91 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 92 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 93 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 94 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 95 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 96 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 97 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 98 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 99 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 100 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 101 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 102 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 103 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 104 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 105 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 106 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 107 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 108 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 109 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 110 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 111 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 112 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 113 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 114 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 119 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 120 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 130 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 130 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 135 Active Warning CS0618 'FormatOptions.GetValidUnitSymbols(DisplayUnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `GetValidSymbols(ForgeTypeId)` method instead.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 146 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitSymbolType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SymbolTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 147 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitSymbolType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SymbolTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 148 Active Warning CS0618 'LabelUtils.GetLabelFor(UnitSymbolType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `GetLabelForSymbol(ForgeTypeId)` method instead.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 149 Active Warning CS0618 'LabelUtils.GetLabelFor(DisplayUnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `GetLabelForUnit(ForgeTypeId)` method instead.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdDutAbbreviation.cs 154 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(double, DisplayUnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ConvertFromInternalUnits(double, ForgeTypeId)` overload instead.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdElectricalLoad.cs 82 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdElectricalLoad.cs 84 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 40 Active Warning CS0618 'Units.GetFormatOptions(UnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `GetFormatOptions(ForgeTypeId)` overload instead.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 48 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 51 Active Warning CS0618 'FormatOptions.DisplayUnits' is obsolete: 'This property is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `GetUnitTypeId()` and `SetUnitTypeId(ForgeTypeId)` methods instead.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 51 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 60 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 62 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 64 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 66 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 68 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 71 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 74 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 76 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 83 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 85 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 87 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 89 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 91 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 93 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 95 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 101 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 103 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 105 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 107 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 109 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 111 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 113 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 115 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 144 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 149 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 152 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 156 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 174 Active Warning CS0618 'DisplayUnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `UnitTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 209 Active Warning CS0618 'LabelUtils.GetLabelFor(DisplayUnitType)' is obsolete: 'This method is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `GetLabelForUnit(ForgeTypeId)` method instead.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 214 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 221 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 223 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 228 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 229 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 230 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 231 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 233 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 234 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 236 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 237 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 238 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 239 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 240 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 241 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 242 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 243 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 244 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 245 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 246 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 247 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 248 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 249 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 250 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 252 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 253 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 254 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 255 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 256 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 257 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 258 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 259 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 260 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 261 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 262 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 263 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 264 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 265 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 266 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 267 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 268 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 269 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 270 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 271 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 272 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 273 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 274 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 275 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 276 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 277 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 278 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 279 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 280 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 281 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 282 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 283 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 285 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 287 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 289 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 290 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 291 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 292 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 293 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 294 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 295 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 296 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 297 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 298 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 299 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 300 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 303 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 304 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 307 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SpecTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\ParameterUnitConverter.cs 308 Active Warning CS0618 'UnitSymbolType' is obsolete: 'This enumeration is deprecated in Revit 2021 and may be removed in a future version of Revit. Please use the `ForgeTypeId` class instead. Use constant members of the `SymbolTypeId` class to replace uses of specific values of this enumeration.' BuildingCoder Y:\a\src\rvt\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\Util.cs 1447 Active