RevitLookup and DevDays Online API News

Lots of exciting information to share with you today, unprecedented!

Just as in previous years, we held a series of worldwide DevDays conference series in the last few months, including at Autodesk University in Las Vegas.

Also, as in previous years, we presented the same information online in the past couple of weeks.

For the first time ever, this year, recordings of these presentations are made publicly available before the official public product release and end of the information embargo.

I extracted the section on the Revit API and hosted it separately in order to enhance it with a table of contents.

Furthermore, we are proud to present another little update of the revamped version of RevitLookup:

DevDays 2016

Forward-Looking DevDays Online API News

Here are links to the recordings of the recent DevDays Online webinar presentations, all of them hosted on the Autodesk DevTV YouTube channel:

Revit API News for The Next Major Release

As said, I extracted and slightly edited the Revit API news portion of the DevDays Online recording, skipping the Civil 3D and Infraworks portion and adding a table of contents for easier navigation.

Here is the link to that, plus the supporting material:

To learn more about Revit API basics, please refer to the discussion and overview of getting started material.

For the sake of completeness, I am also adding the slide deck contents here:

Revit API News Slide Deck Contents


We may make statements regarding planned or future development efforts for our existing or new products and services. These statements are not intended to be a promise or guarantee of future availability of products, services or features but merely reflect our current plans and based on factors currently known to us. These planned and future development efforts may change without notice. Purchasing decisions should not be made based upon reliance on these statements.

These statements are being made as of February 2017 and we assume no obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist or change after the date on which they were made. If this presentation is reviewed after this date, these statements may no longer contain current or accurate information.

Three agenda sections:

Revit API News – Must Do

Revit API News – New Functionality

Revit API News – Revit Roadmap

RevitLookup Enhancements

Finally, to round off this exciting forward-looking excursion with something down to earth right here and now, our irreplaceable Revit BIM database exploration tool RevitLookup has been significantly restructured in the past few weeks to use Reflection and reduce code duplication:

After adding the latter fixes related to extensible storage, Alexander Ignatovich, @CADBIMDeveloper, aka Александр Игнатович, submitted a couple of further enhancements in his pull request #27 to restore category BuiltInCategory, watch properties with nullable type and fix empty lists:

Many thanks to Alexander for these improvements!

I integrated them into RevitLookup release 2017.0.0.18.

The most up-to-date version is always provided in the master branch of the RevitLookup GitHub repository.

If you would like to access any part of the functionality that was removed when switching to the Reflection based approach, please grab it from release 2017.0.0.13 or earlier.

I am also happy to restore any other code that was removed and that you would like preserved. Simply create a pull request for that, explain your need and motivation, and I will gladly merge it back again.