The Building Coder

Roomedit3dv3 Diff from Forge Boilerplate Code

I am still busy preparing my Autodesk University sessions, and more urgently the Forge and BIM presentation and hands-on workshop this coming Friday at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Numerische Methoden und Informatik im Bauwesen, the institute for numerical methods and computer science in the construction industry at the technical university in the very pleasant German city Darmstadt, in Hessen, just south of Frankfurt.

Technische Universität Darmstadt

The agenda there consists of two parts:

I already prepared the material pointed to by the links above.

Now I would like to add a more detailed analysis of the exact changes I made to the forge-boilers.nodejs boilerplate code to implement the roomedit3dv3 sample connecting BIM with the cloud.

Please note that I abandoned my initial comparison attempt after the first two steps listed above, so if you are not interested in the painful beginnings of this exploration, you can skip straight to starting fresh from scratch.

Or, if you are really in a hurry, just skip straight to the end to the successful test and final diff to examine the 25 lines of code that I modified or added all in all.

Comparing the Root Folder Contents

I cloned the master and roomedit3d branches of the forge-boilers.nodejs repo in two separate directories:

These are the files and subfolders in the former:

/a/src/web/forge/forge-boilers.nodejs $ ls -1
1 - viewer-offline
2 - viewer-barebone
3 - viewer+server
4 - viewer+server+oss
5 - viewer+server+oss+derivatives
6 - viewer+server+data-mng+derivatives

As a first step to implement roomedit3dv3, I copied the entire contents of the boilerplate step 6 into a new folder 7:

/a/src/web/forge/roomedit3dv3 $ ls -1
7 - viewer+extension+server+data-mng+derivatives

In the root folder, the following files differ in obvious ways:

I completely rewrote the readme file.

Here are the differences between the two versions of the other three:

/a/src/web/forge $ diff forge-boilers.nodejs/.gitignore roomedit3dv3/.gitignore
> 7 - viewer+extension+server+data-mng+derivatives/node_modules
> 7 - viewer+extension+server+data-mng+derivatives/dist
> 7 - viewer+extension+server+data-mng+derivatives/TMP

/a/src/web/forge $ diff forge-boilers.nodejs/app.json roomedit3dv3/app.json
<   "name": "forge-boiler.nodejs",
<   "description": "Forge boiler: viewer + server + oss + derivatives",
<   "repository": "",
>   "name": "roomedit3dv3",
>   "description": "Forge Viewer extension to move building elements and update the Revit BIM in real-time",
>   "repository": "",
<   "keywords": ["autodesk", "forge", "node", "express"],
>   "keywords": ["autodesk", "forge", "node", "express", "revit"],
>     },
>     "HOST_URL": {
>       "description": "Host url: for Heroku App use '', where 'myApp' is name of your app. Important: the name of your App needs to match the callback URL you specified on Forge Developer Portal"

/a/src/web/forge $ diff forge-boilers.nodejs/package.json roomedit3dv3/package.json
<   "name": "forge-boilers.nodejs",
<   "description": "A collection of node.js based boiler projects for the Autodesk Forge Web Services APIs",
<   "version": "1.0.0",
>   "name": "roomedit3dv3",
>   "description": "Forge Viewer extension to move building elements and update the Revit BIM in real-time",
>   "version": "0.0.16",
<     "Philippe Leefsma <>"
>     "Philippe Leefsma <>",
>     "Jeremy Tammik <>"
<     "start": "npm start --prefix ./5\\ -\\ viewer+server+oss+derivatives",
<     "install-boiler3": "npm install --prefix ./3\\ -\\ viewer+server",
<     "install-boiler4": "npm install --prefix ./4\\ -\\ viewer+server+oss",
<     "install-boiler5": "npm install --prefix ./5\\ -\\ viewer+server+oss+derivatives",
<     "install-boiler6": "npm install --prefix ./6\\ -\\ viewer+server+data-mng+derivatives",
<     "postinstall": "npm run install-boiler5"
>     "start": "npm start --prefix ./7\\ -\\ viewer+extension+server+data-mng+derivatives",
>     "install-boiler7": "npm install --prefix ./7\\ -\\ viewer+extension+server+data-mng+derivatives",
>     "postinstall": "npm run install-boiler7"
<     "url": ""
>     "url": ""

Comparing the Forge Node.js Boilerplate

Next, let's look at the differences between the original step 6 boilerplate code and the roomedit3dv3 version.

The list of files in the two folders is almost identical, except that I added a placeholder to the roomedit version to suppress the npm warning message about a lack of one during deployment, npm WARN package.json Forge-boiler-6@1.0.0 No README data:

Some of these folders are generated by or just contain the webpack output, so they are of no concern to us.

app.json contains some obvious differences similar to the root folder ones:

/a/src/web/forge $ diff forge-boilers.nodejs/6\ -\ viewer+server+data-mng+derivatives/app.json roomedit3dv3/7\ -\ viewer+extension+server+data-mng+derivatives/app.json
<   "name": "forge-boiler.nodejs",
<   "description": "Forge boiler: viewer + server + data-management + derivatives",
<   "repository": "",
>   "name": "roomedit3dv3",
>   "description": "Forge Viewer extension to move building elements and update the Revit BIM in real-time",
>   "repository": "",
<   "keywords": ["autodesk", "forge", "node", "express"],
>   "keywords": ["autodesk", "forge", "node", "express", "revit"],

The same applies to package.json:

/a/src/web/forge $ diff forge-boilers.nodejs/6\ -\ viewer+server+data-mng+derivatives/package.json roomedit3dv3/7\ -\ viewer+extension+server+data-mng+derivatives/package.json
<   "name": "Forge-boiler-6",
<   "description": "Forge boiler: viewer + server + data-management + derivatives",
<   "version": "1.0.0",
>   "name": "roomedit3dv3",
>   "description": "Forge Viewer extension to move building elements and update the Revit BIM in real-time",
>   "version": "0.0.15",
<     "jquery-jsonview": "^1.2.3",
<     "jsoneditor": "^5.5.9",
<     "lodash": "^4.16.4",
<     "node-sass": "^3.10.1",
<     "sass-loader": "^4.0.2",
<     "": "^1.4.8",
>     "": "*",
<     "Philippe Leefsma <>"
>     "Philippe Leefsma <>",
>     "Jeremy Tammik <>"
<     "url": ""
>     "url": ""

No, this analysis is getting too tough, and the differences are too many at this point.

Philippe seems to have changed quite a lot since I initially implemented this branch.

I'll start fresh from scratch.

Starting Fresh from Scratch

Let's grab an updated version of his boilerplate code and run it as is in the development environment.

Before starting with the sample itself, set up environment variables for the boilerplate app to access your Forge credentials:

export PORT=3000

With your Forge credential environment variables defined, we can install and test the unmodified boilerplate code:

That works fine for me.

Copy, Install and Load the Viewer Extension

I copied the working updated code into my own repository hosting the roomedit3d branch and started updating it to run my extension.

First of all, I install the viewer extension.

In my case, I can copy it from my previous version:

/a/src/web/forge/roomedit3dv3/7 - viewer+extension+server+data-mng+derivatives/src/client/Components/Viewer $ cp -R extensions /a/src/web/forge/roomedit3dv3/6\ -\ viewer+server+data-mng+derivatives/src/client/Components/Viewer

If you prefer to grab it from the original repository, clone Philippe's library-javascript-viewer-extensions and copy the four files from the library-javascript-viewer-extensions/src/Viewing.Extension.Transform folder to a new subfolder src/client/Components/Viewer/extensions:

Import the viewer extension into the viewer panel by editing src/client/Components/Viewer/Viewer.Panel.js:

import './extensions/Viewing.Extension.Transform.js'

In the panel's initialize function, add the event listeners to handle the load and unload extension events:

  // Load and unload extension events

  var loadBtn = document.getElementById('loadBtn');

  loadBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
    this.viewer.loadExtension('Viewing.Extension.Transform', {})

  var unloadBtn = document.getElementById('unloadBtn');

  unloadBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {

Here is the commit diff to install and load the viewer extension showing the exact changes I made.

Adding the Link to Load the Viewer Extension

The original sample implements a settings menu that is prepared for further configuration by the programmer:

Forge boilerplate settings menu

I prefer to implement two simple links to load and unload the transform viewer extension instead.

For that, I modify layout/index.ejs and replace the right navigation bar contents with this:

  <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
    <li><a href="">About Roomedit3d...</a></li>
    <li><a id="loadBtn">Start</a></li>
    <li><a id="unloadBtn">Stop</a></li>

Here is the commit diff to add the roomedit3dv3 about, start and stop links.

Renamed Viewer Extension Base and Toolkit js Modules

Philippe renamed the JavaScript modules defining the viewer ExtensionBase and Toolkit classes.

After a little bit of searching, I found the solution and updated the module names accordingly in Viewing.Extension.Transform.js:

-import ExtensionBase from 'ExtensionBase'
-import ViewerToolkit from 'ViewerToolkit'
+import ExtensionBase from 'Viewer.ExtensionBase'
+import ViewerToolkit from 'Viewer.Toolkit'

Here is the commit diff to rename the viewer extension base and toolkit js modules.

All Viewer Extension Modifications

Besides adding the viewer extension to the boilerplate app, I also need to modify it slightly to ensure that the BIM element translation we are interested in and want to broadcast to be picked up by the Revit add-in is properly retrieved and transmitted.

I copied the original Viewing.Extension.Transform viewer extension implementation from library-javascript-viewer-extensions, tagged it as release 0.0.21, reapplied the required changes, and tagged that as release 0.0.22 in order to present this nice little comparison showing the exact differences to you...

15 lines of code modified or added.

Successful Test and Final Diff – 25 Lines of Code

After those steps and some further clean-up, I had the updated roomedit3dv3 viewer extension successfully up and running in release 0.0.23 of the roomedit3d branch of the forge-boilers.nodejs repo.

Roomedit3dv3 in action

The important changes to the app are shown by the diffs between 0.0.18 and 0.0.20, and the viewer extension ones by 0.0.21...0.0.22.

All in all, I added and modified about 25 lines of code.

I hope this simplifies your job of creating your own extensions.

Happy Forge coding!