Revit API Webcast Tomorrow

Here is a short final reminder about the Revit API webcast taking place tomorrow, 25 hours from now.

As I mentioned, we are holding it on Thursday, May 17, Ascension Day (register). You can find it together with all the other ADN DevTech training opportunities in the Training Course Schedule, entering "Revit API" as the course topic.

It will be divided into two parts of roughly equal length, presented by Balaji and me. Balaji is taking care of the first half introducing the basics of the Revit API, and I will dive into a few of the new Revit 2013 API topics in a little more depth than the recent DevDays Online on What's New in Revit 2013 presentation did, which is available as a recording for download.

It is recommended to have a look at that recording before attending the webcast, if you are interested in getting all the details.

I look forward to talking with and hearing from you tomorrow.