pilzueberraschung 400 g mixed mushrooms 1 spoonful olive oil 2 schalotten finely chopped 1 spoonful butter 1 spoonful basil chopped 1 bund schnittlauch, in roellchen geschnitten, 4 staengel beiseite legen 1 dl cream salz pepper pancakes: 1 dl milk 1 egg 3 spoonfuls flour 1 spoonful butter melted salt pepper muskat for pancakes mix all ingredients and leave to rest onions fry glazed in butter add mushrooms and steam add basil and schnittlauch add cream and boil briefly add spices and leave to cool bake four pancakes add mushroom sauce into the middle of each pull up the edges to form a pouch tie closed with a schnittlauchstaengel warm in oven at 180 degrees celsius for 5 minutes