0 errors, 6 warnings: ------ Rebuild All started: Project: BuildingCoder, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ C:\a\vs\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdGetMaterials.cs(76,37,76,52): warning CS0618: 'AssetProperties.this[int]' is obsolete: ' This property is deprecated in Revit 2019 and will be removed in the next version of Revit. We suggest you use the 'FindByName(String)' or 'Get(int)' method instead.' C:\a\vs\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdGetMaterials.cs(99,40,100,49): warning CS0618: 'AssetProperties.this[string]' is obsolete: ' This property is deprecated in Revit 2019 and will be removed in the next version of Revit. We suggest you use the 'FindByName(String)' or 'Get(int)' method instead.' C:\a\vs\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdGetMaterials.cs(413,47,413,55): warning CS0618: 'AssetProperties.this[int]' is obsolete: ' This property is deprecated in Revit 2019 and will be removed in the next version of Revit. We suggest you use the 'FindByName(String)' or 'Get(int)' method instead.' C:\a\vs\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdGetMaterials.cs(654,41,654,55): warning CS0618: 'AssetProperties.this[int]' is obsolete: ' This property is deprecated in Revit 2019 and will be removed in the next version of Revit. We suggest you use the 'FindByName(String)' or 'Get(int)' method instead.' C:\a\vs\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdGetMaterials.cs(737,38,737,53): warning CS0618: 'AssetProperties.this[string]' is obsolete: ' This property is deprecated in Revit 2019 and will be removed in the next version of Revit. We suggest you use the 'FindByName(String)' or 'Get(int)' method instead.' C:\a\vs\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\CmdGetMaterials.cs(738,42,738,61): warning CS0618: 'AssetProperties.this[string]' is obsolete: ' This property is deprecated in Revit 2019 and will be removed in the next version of Revit. We suggest you use the 'FindByName(String)' or 'Get(int)' method instead.' BuildingCoder -> C:\a\vs\the_building_coder_samples\BuildingCoder\BuildingCoder\bin\Debug\BuildingCoder.dll ========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========