
In Design automation, your Forge App account will be the owner of your app and activity.

A nickname is a way to map a Forge App ClientId to a customized string. A nickname lets you create a friendly, easy-to-read string that can be used in place of the long Forge App ClientId.

For example, your Forge App ClientId is something hard to read like "YnhayiOjhgnsd&jsafh890ryehQW" and you create a new app of DeleteWallsApp with an alias test. Now you can reference this DeleteWallsApp app by YnhayiOjhgnsd&**afh890ryehQW.DeleteWallsApp+test.

However, by mapping this Forge App ClientId "YnhayiOjhgnsd&jsafh890ryehQW" to a nickname of YourNickname, you can reference the app by using YourNickname.DeleteWallsApp+test, more easily and nicely.