2015-02-02: After removing almost all obsolete API usage in the Revit 2015 version of the ADN Reveit API samples Xtra labs, the following 10 warnings concerning access to parameters are still left, 5 each in the C# and VB Labs4 module, respeactively: ------ Rebuild All started: Project: IntroCs, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ IntroCs -> C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\1_Revit_API_Intro\SourceCS\bin\Debug\IntroCs.dll ------ Rebuild All started: Project: IntroVb, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ IntroVb -> C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\1_Revit_API_Intro\SourceVB\bin\Debug\IntroVb.dll ------ Rebuild All started: Project: XtraVb, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\XtraVb\Labs4.vb(147) : warning BC40019: 'Get' accessor of 'Public ReadOnly Property Parameter(paramName As String) As Autodesk.Revit.DB.Parameter' is obsolete: 'This property is obsolete in Revit 2015, as more than one parameter can have the same name on a given element. Use Element.Parameters to obtain a complete list of parameters on this Element, or Element.GetParameters(String) to get a list of all parameters by name, or Element.LookupParameter(String) to return the first available parameter with the given name.'. C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\XtraVb\Labs4.vb(289) : warning BC40019: 'Get' accessor of 'Public ReadOnly Property Parameter(paramName As String) As Autodesk.Revit.DB.Parameter' is obsolete: 'This property is obsolete in Revit 2015, as more than one parameter can have the same name on a given element. Use Element.Parameters to obtain a complete list of parameters on this Element, or Element.GetParameters(String) to get a list of all parameters by name, or Element.LookupParameter(String) to return the first available parameter with the given name.'. C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\XtraVb\Labs4.vb(639) : warning BC40019: 'Get' accessor of 'Public ReadOnly Property Parameter(paramName As String) As Autodesk.Revit.DB.Parameter' is obsolete: 'This property is obsolete in Revit 2015, as more than one parameter can have the same name on a given element. Use Element.Parameters to obtain a complete list of parameters on this Element, or Element.GetParameters(String) to get a list of all parameters by name, or Element.LookupParameter(String) to return the first available parameter with the given name.'. C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\XtraVb\Labs4.vb(640) : warning BC40019: 'Get' accessor of 'Public ReadOnly Property Parameter(paramName As String) As Autodesk.Revit.DB.Parameter' is obsolete: 'This property is obsolete in Revit 2015, as more than one parameter can have the same name on a given element. Use Element.Parameters to obtain a complete list of parameters on this Element, or Element.GetParameters(String) to get a list of all parameters by name, or Element.LookupParameter(String) to return the first available parameter with the given name.'. C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\XtraVb\Labs4.vb(678) : warning BC40019: 'Get' accessor of 'Public ReadOnly Property Parameter(paramName As String) As Autodesk.Revit.DB.Parameter' is obsolete: 'This property is obsolete in Revit 2015, as more than one parameter can have the same name on a given element. Use Element.Parameters to obtain a complete list of parameters on this Element, or Element.GetParameters(String) to get a list of all parameters by name, or Element.LookupParameter(String) to return the first available parameter with the given name.'. XtraVb -> C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\XtraVb\bin\Debug\XtraVb.dll ------ Rebuild All started: Project: UiVb, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ UiVb -> C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\2_Revit_UI_API\SourceVB\bin\Debug\UiVb.dll ------ Rebuild All started: Project: FamilyVb, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ FamilyVb -> C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\3_Revit_Family_API\SourceVB\bin\Debug\FamilyVb.dll ------ Rebuild All started: Project: XtraCs, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\XtraCs\Labs4.cs(233,31,233,59): warning CS0618: 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element.get_Parameter(string)' is obsolete: 'This property is obsolete in Revit 2015, as more than one parameter can have the same name on a given element. Use Element.Parameters to obtain a complete list of parameters on this Element, or Element.GetParameters(String) to get a list of all parameters by name, or Element.LookupParameter(String) to return the first available parameter with the given name.' C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\XtraCs\Labs4.cs(460,27,460,55): warning CS0618: 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element.get_Parameter(string)' is obsolete: 'This property is obsolete in Revit 2015, as more than one parameter can have the same name on a given element. Use Element.Parameters to obtain a complete list of parameters on this Element, or Element.GetParameters(String) to get a list of all parameters by name, or Element.LookupParameter(String) to return the first available parameter with the given name.' C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\XtraCs\Labs4.cs(925,7,925,66): warning CS0618: 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element.get_Parameter(string)' is obsolete: 'This property is obsolete in Revit 2015, as more than one parameter can have the same name on a given element. Use Element.Parameters to obtain a complete list of parameters on this Element, or Element.GetParameters(String) to get a list of all parameters by name, or Element.LookupParameter(String) to return the first available parameter with the given name.' C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\XtraCs\Labs4.cs(926,7,926,68): warning CS0618: 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element.get_Parameter(string)' is obsolete: 'This property is obsolete in Revit 2015, as more than one parameter can have the same name on a given element. Use Element.Parameters to obtain a complete list of parameters on this Element, or Element.GetParameters(String) to get a list of all parameters by name, or Element.LookupParameter(String) to return the first available parameter with the given name.' C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\XtraCs\Labs4.cs(965,27,965,88): warning CS0618: 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element.get_Parameter(string)' is obsolete: 'This property is obsolete in Revit 2015, as more than one parameter can have the same name on a given element. Use Element.Parameters to obtain a complete list of parameters on this Element, or Element.GetParameters(String) to get a list of all parameters by name, or Element.LookupParameter(String) to return the first available parameter with the given name.' XtraCs -> C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\XtraCs\bin\Debug\XtraCs.dll ------ Rebuild All started: Project: UiCs, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ UiCs -> C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\2_Revit_UI_API\SourceCS\bin\Debug\UiCs.dll ------ Rebuild All started: Project: FamilyCs, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ FamilyCs -> C:\a\lib\revit\2015\adn\src\AdnRevitApiLabsXtra\3_Revit_Family_API\SourceCS\bin\Debug\FamilyCs.dll ========== Rebuild All: 8 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========