RevitLookup Updates, Bounding Boxes and Podcast

A quick heads-up on a podcast interview, new releases of RevitLookup vastly expanding coverage to include numerous new classes and properties, and other notes of interest:

BIMrras Podcast Interview

Evelio Sánchez y Rogelio Carballo invited me to participate in their BIMrras Podcast:

El Primer Podcast BIM Colaborativo
¡El podcast sobre BIM que Chuck Norris no se atreve a escuchar!

I joined them last week for a very pleasant chat in episode 157 Building with code, with Jeremy Tammik.

RevitLookup 2025.0.3

Roman @Nice3point Karpovich, aka Роман Карпович, published RevitLookup release 2025.0.3, integrating extensive work by Sergey Nefyodov to expand coverage to numerous new classes, properties and contexts.

Sergey packaged his enhancements in pull requests 227 (ConnectorManager), 228 (Wire), 229 (IndependentTag), 230 (CurveElement), 231 (TableView), 232 (DatumPlane) and 233 (extensions).

Specific improvement include:

Memory diagnoser:

Memory diagnoser

Different method overload variations now displayed in a Variants collection:

Overload variations


RevitLookup 2025.0.4

As if that were not enough, Roman and Sergey immediately followed up with RevitLookup release 2025.0.4, integrating the further pull requests 235 and 236, focused on improving core functionalities and robustness of the product.

Family size table

To access it:


Ever so many thanks to Roman and Sergey for their impressive and untiring implementation and maintenance work!

Outline Versus BoundingBox

Interesting aspects of different kinds of bounding boxes and their uses in intersection filters are discussed in the thread on Outline vs BoundingBoxXYZ in Revit API.

Linking Revit Files in BIM360 Docs

Several users asked whether it is possible to link Revit projects directly in ACC and BIM360 Docs. Luckily, Eason Kang has covered that topic extensively in his article on BIM360 Docs: Setting up external references between files (Upload Linked Files).