64 Bit Ids, Revit and RevitLookup Updates

Important updates to both Revit and RevitLookup, and other interesting news:

Revit X.Y.2 Updates

Update number 2 has been released for both Revit 2023 and 2024, Revit 2023.1.2 and Revit 2024.0.2, respectively:

Revit X.Y.2 update

As usual, they can be obtained from manage.autodesk.com.

RevitLookup 2024.0.5

RevitLookup also sports a new update, release 2024.0.5. Here is a list of all updates and their enhancements since the initial 2024 release:

Snoop static members

Ever so many thanks to Luiz Henrique @ricaun Cassettari and above all to Roman Nice3point for this impressive list of enhancements, with extra kudos to Roman for all the RevitLookup maintenance work!

Backward Compatible 64 Bit Element Id

Richard RPThomas108 Thomas shares code for handling ElementId 64 bit backward compatibility in the thread on upgrade 2024 API causing schema error, explaining:

The change to Int64 should be transparent for most situations; there is a design decision some developers will need to consider in terms of how the ElementId IntegerValue property is replaced with the old Value. I decided it was better to update backwards the base code with an extension method ElementId.Value. Can't do much about the constructor, however:

Module RT_ElementIdExtensionModule

#If RvtVer >= 2024 Then
    Public Function NewElementId(L As Long) As ElementId
        Return New ElementId(L)
    End Function
    Public Function Value(ID As ElementId) As Long
        Return ID.IntegerValue
    End Function
    Public Function NewElementId(L As Long) As ElementId
        If L > Int32.MaxValue OrElse L < Int32.MinValue Then
            Throw New OverflowException("Value for ElementId out of range.")
        End If
        Return New ElementId(CInt(L))
    End Function
#End If

End Module

Many thanks to Richard for sharing this approach.

15-Minute Cities

I just noticed Kean Walmsley's nice discussion of 15-minute cities, 20-minute neighbourhoods and 30-second offices.

Cloud Data Carbon Footprint

You have probably seen hundreds if not thousands of email footers reminding you not to print every email you receive on paper.

Now the time has come to add a reminder not to save ever bit of information you receive digitally either.

Apparently, storing 100 GB of data in the cloud results in a carbon footprint of about 0.2 tons of CO2 per year.

That is about the same as:

Live Annotated Https Request Log

Talking about bits stored in the cloud, here is a neat web page that enables you to see this page fetch itself, byte by byte, over TLS:

This page performs a live, annotated https: request for its own source.