Happy New Year with RevitExtensions

Off we go into a new adventurous year of BIM programming:

Happy New Year

Happy New Year and welcome to 2022!

I spent a pleasant New Year's Day climbing the Wildhauser Schafberg in warm and dry weather.

Jeremy figurehead on Wildhauser Schafberg

Afterwards, a friend pointed out this rather humorous New Year's greeting from 1883. It renders better in its original German version than in English:


Herr, setze dem Überfluss Grenzen
und lasse die Grenzen überflüssig werden.
Lasse die Leute kein falsches Geld machen
und auch Geld keine falschen Leute.
Nimm den Ehefrauen das letzte Wort
Und erinnere die Ehemänner an ihr erstes.
Schenke unseren Freunden mehr Wahrheit
und der Wahrheit mehr Freunde.
Gib den Regierenden ein besseres Deutsch
Und den Deutschen eine bessere Regierung.
Herr, sorge dafür, dass wir alle in den Himmel kommen
Aber nicht sofort!

Lord, please border abundance
and make borders superfluous.
Don't let people make bad money
and don't let money make bad people.
Take the last word away from the wives
And remind the husbands of their first.
Give more truth to our friends
and more friends to the truth.
Give the rulers a better German
And better rulers to the Germans.
Lord, please may we all go to heaven
but not right away!

Parish priest Hermann Josef Kappen of Lamberti church in Münster, 1883

Neujahrsgruss 1883


In the last post of the previous year, I mentioned Roman Nice3point, his huge contributions to RevitLookup in the past few months, his RevitTemplates update 1.7.0 and the invitation to provide feedback on them.

Let's move into this new year with yet another contribution and invitation from Roman:

Hi guys, it's time to pump the Revit API. I started developing a library that will make it easier to write code using extensions. In general, instead of Method(Method(Method(Method(Method())))), you can write Method.Method.Method.Method.Method. And, of course, I added a couple of new methods and overloads that are not in the API. Working with the Ribbon and *Utils classes has been greatly simplified. If you have any suggestions for improving the API, write to me about it in the

RevitExtensions GitHub repository.

Improve your experience with Revit API now

Extensions minimize the writing of repetitive code, add new methods not included in the native Revit API, and also allow you to write chained methods without worrying about API versioning:

  new ElementId(123469)

Extensions include annotations to help ReShaper parse your code and signal when a method may return null, or the value returned by the method is not used in your code.

Many thanks again to Roman for all his tremendous work supporting and enhancing Revit API development!

And, again, Happy New Year to all!