Efficient and Elegant Code

I remain busy, mainly in the Revit API discussion forum. Here are two recent samples dealing with pretty generic efficiency related questions:

Elegance and efficiency

Efficiency and Elegance in Simple Code

One recent topic in the Revit API discussion forum asks for help with efficiency and elegance in simple code:

Question: My code works, but I don't believe it's as efficient as it could be. Specifically, the Try/catch area of the code. If I don't try/catch each line separately, it misses some of the doors. Like to reduce the regeneration time too if possible. Any pointers are appreciated. Thanks.

  // Get doors
  FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector( doc );
  List<Element> coll = collector.OfClass( typeofFamilyInstance ) )
    .OfCategory( BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors )

  // Filtered element collector is iterable
  foreachElement e in coll )
    // Get the parameter name
    Parameter s_parameter = e.LookupParameter( "Swing Angle" );
    Parameter s1_parameter = e.LookupParameter( "Swing Angle_Door 1" );
    Parameter s2_parameter = e.LookupParameter( "Swing Angle_Door 2" );
    usingTransaction t = new Transaction( doc, "parameters" ) )

    // Modify document within a transaction
    usingTransaction tx = new Transaction( doc ) )
      tx.Start( "Change door swing angles to 45" );

        s_parameter.Set( 0.785398163 );
      catch { }
        s1_parameter.Set( 0.785398163 );
      catch { }
        s2_parameter.Set( 0.785398163 );
      catch { }
  TaskDialog.Show( "Completed""Door swings changed to 45°." );
  return Result.Succeeded;

Answer by MarryTookMyCoffe:

using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc, "parameters"))
  if(s_parameter != null)

Try this:

  [TransactionTransactionMode.Manual )]
  public class Command : IExternalCommand
    private const double angle = 0.785398163;
    public Result Execute(
      ExternalCommandData commandData,
      ref string message,
      ElementSet elements )
      Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
      // Get instance of doors
      Element[] coll = new FilteredElementCollector( doc )
        .OfClass( typeofFamilyInstance ) )
        .OfCategory( BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors )

      // Start transaction outside of loop, that way you only open transaction once
      usingTransaction tx = new Transaction( doc ) )
        tx.Start( "Change door swing angles to 45" );
        foreachElement e in coll )
          //set Parameter by the name
            SetParameter( e, "Swing Angle", angle );
            SetParameter( e, "Swing Angle_Door 1", angle );
            SetParameter( e, "Swing Angle_Door 2", angle );
          catch { }
      TaskDialog.Show( "Completed""Door swings changed to 45°." );
      return Result.Succeeded;

    /// <summary>
    /// set double parameter by value
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="element"></param>
    /// <param name="Name"></param>
    /// <param name="value"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static bool SetParameter( Element element, string Name, double value )
      Parameter parameter = element.LookupParameter( Name );
      // Preventing exceptions is better than catching it 
      if( parameter != null && !parameter.IsReadOnly && parameter.StorageType == StorageType.Double )
        return parameter.Set( value );
      return false;

Response: Thanks, works perfectly. Now I'll step through the code so I can learn what you did. Thanks Again!

Answer 2: I would like to add a few points more:

LookupParameter will only retrieve the first parameter of the given name. In order to use it, you must be absolutely certain that only one parameter with the given name exists. I would suggest adding a test somewhere in your add-in startup code to ensure that this really is the case.

It is always safer to use other means to retrieve parameters, e.g., the built-in parameter enumeration value, if it exists, or simply the Parameter definition, which you can look up and cache beforehand, e.g., in the afore-mentioned code ensuring that the parameter name on that element type really is unique.

There is no need to convert the element collection to an array, i.e., saying

  Element[] coll = new FilteredElementCollector( doc )...ToArray();

You can perfectly well leave it as a filtered element collector and iterate directly over that instead:

  FilteredElementCollector coll = new FilteredElementCollector( doc )...;
  foreachElement e in coll ) ...

That will save conversion time and space and avoid the unnecessary data duplication, cf. the discussions on:

Pushing Wall Type to Doors

Some pretty similar code appeared in the question on pushing wall type to doors:

Question: I have been working on this macro for a while, we are looking for a way to have our door schedule to include the wall type (available in the Type Mark parameter). I have attached where I am at. I had no issues with pulling an instance parameter in the wall to the instance parameter in the door, but I was not having much luck with the type parameter in the wall. The only area I am unsure of is if I am accessing the type parameters from the wall correctly:

  public void WalltoDoor2()
    Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

    ElementCategoryFilter hostFilter 
      = new ElementCategoryFilter( 
        BuiltInCategory.OST_Walls );
    ElementCategoryFilter hostedFilter 
      = new ElementCategoryFilter(
        BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors );

    string parameterName = "Type Mark";
    string parameterName2 = "Wall Type";
    usingTransaction t = new Transaction( 
      doc, "Set hosted parameters" ) )
        foreachElement host in 
          new FilteredElementCollector( doc )
            .WherePasses( hostFilter ) )
          if( host != null )
            Element hostT = host.Document.GetElement( 
              host.GetTypeId() );
            Parameter paramHost = hostT.LookupParameter( 
              parameterName );

            foreachElement hosted in 
              new FilteredElementCollector( doc )
                .WherePasses( hostedFilter )
                .OfClass( typeofFamilyInstance ) )
                .Where( q => q.Host.Id == host.Id ) )
              if( hosted != null )
                hosted.LookupParameter( parameterName2 )
                  .Set( paramHost.AsString() );
      catchException )

Answer: Using the built-in parameter checker, it looks like the Type Mark is called "ALL_MODEL_TYPE_MARK" for a wall.

Try using:


Here are two further suggestions to clean up your code:

Are you really ready to handle the exceptions 'computer on fire', 'building collapsed', etc.?

If you catch all exceptions, you are preventing the really competent instances from even seeing them.

Cutting the phone lines to the fire brigade and police, so to speak.

You may be endangering your computer and your valued person.

Well, at least your valued Revit model.