BIM 360 Issues API

Today, I am presenting a class on Design Automation for Revit or DA4R and the BIM 360 Issues API at the German Autodesk University in Darmstadt.

It is in German language: BIM360 News und Online Revit-Programmierung von BIM via Forge Design Automation API für RVT.

The first and main part is similar to yesterday's presentation on Forge Design Automation for Revit at the Forge DevCon conference.

Therefore, I will only share the BIM 360 slides (just the text, with most images missing) here now:

For your convenience, here is the slide deck including images in PDF format:

All the following information comes from a few base sources, so please refer to those to get it straight from the horse's mouth:


Four Types of Issues




Issues API

Get Issues

GET: {{base_domain}}/issues/v1/containers/{{issue_container_id}}/issues?filter[status]=closed
GET: {{base_domain}}/issues/v1/containers/{{issue_container_id}}/quality-issues

Create Issues

POST: {{base_domain}}/issues/v1/containers/{{issue_container_id}}/issues
POST: {{base_domain}}/issues/v1/containers/{{issue_container_id}}/quality-issues

Issue Type and Root Cause of Field Issue

Directly Attach Local Files (photo) to Issues

Attach local file

Pushpin Forge Viewer Extension

.NET Core Sample

Node.js Sample

Node.js Sample 2

Node.js sample dashboard

API Limitations