Creating a Warning Using the Failure API

The Failure API was introduced a long time ago, back in 2010, for Revit 2011.

Time enough to forget that it enables both failure definition and handling capabilities:

Luckily, Frank @Fair59 Aarssen is there to help and remind us, in his answer to the Revit API discussion forum thread on how to create a warning:

Question: I've a routine which moves elements around, but on some occasions, it comes across an element that can't be moved.

I can get the routine to filter them out, so it's not an issue, but I'd like to create a warning message for the user.

I can do this with the TaskDialog class, and it has rather a large number of options – cf., the Revit UI API labs in 2_Revit_UI_API – however, it cannot be used in a modeless manner, so it always stops the user and forces them to hit OK.

Really, I'd like to create a non-critical Warning message that warns the user, but does not stop them working – the same sort of warning you get if you delete a room from the model:


I can't see a way of creating this in the API – can it be done?

Answer: For a non-Revit-API approach, you could indeed use a modeless Windows form and close it automatically after a specified time period. Here is a description of showing and closing modeless a form. It was written with AutoCAD in mind, and exceptionally applies to Revit as well, since it has nothing to do with either of them, really.

Much better, though, is to implement exactly what you ask: the Revit API does indeed provide complete support for creating your own modeless warning messages just like you require.

To do so, you can define your own failure, and let Revit display it.

First, you create a FailureDefinitionId and FailureDefinition:

  // Create youw own new failure definition Ids

  Guid guid1 = new Guid( 
    "d0cf2412-08fe-476b-a6e6-e9a98583c52c" );

  FailureDefinitionId m_idWarning 
    = new FailureDefinitionId( guid1 );

  // Create failure definitions and add resolutions

  FailureDefinition m_fdWarning 
    = FailureDefinition.CreateFailureDefinition( 
      m_idWarning, FailureSeverity.Warning, 
      "Textvalue is changed for all instances "
      + "in textchain" );

    FailureResolutionType.SetValue );

Then, you can display the warning:

  FailureMessage fm = new FailureMessage( 
    ExternalApplication.m_idWarning );

  doc.PostFailure( fm );

These steps are also demonstrated in the Revit SDK ErrorHandling and PerformanceAdviserControl samples, in the files Command.cs and FlippedDoorCheck.cs, respectively.

The failure is displayed as a Revit warning as depicted above.

You can totally ignore it, and continue working.

One possible caveat: it will probably be displayed when control reverts back to Revit (not sure).

Many thanks to Frank for his invaluable help!