WPF Revit Family Browser and Vacation

Just for your information, I am away on vacation now.

Please don't expect any Revit API related activity from me here, on the Revit API discussion forum, or anywhere else during the coming week.

Happily, I have something else to share with you and possibly help keep you busy and entertained in the meantime:

Roman Lavrov shared his Revit Family Browser, saying:

I am working on family browser for Revit using Revit API and WPF. Your blog helps me a lot, so I decide to share my work with you. I think, some ideas will be useful for other coders. If you have time, please take a look my program on GitHub at github.com/RomanLavrov/RevitFamilyBrowser.

Revit family browser panel

Many thanks to Roman for sharing his cool utility and source code!

I wish everybody a happy and productive time while I am gone!