The Building Coder

MEP System Structure in Hierarchical JSON Graph

Yesterday, I presented the new TraverseAllSystems add-in to traverse all MEP system graphs and export their connected hierarchical structure to JSON and XML that I am helping the USC team with here at the San Francisco cloud accelerator.

San Francisco cloud accelerator

I continued with that today, and also integrated a minor enhancement to RevitLookup:

TraverseAllSystems Updates

The aim of the TraverseAllSystems project is to present the MEP system graphs in a separate tree view panel integrated in the Forge viewer and hook up the tree view nodes bi-directionally with the 2D and 3D viewer elements.

To achieve that, I implemented a couple of significant enhancements over the simple XML file storage:

Here is a list of the update releases so far:

Shared Parameter Creation

I implemented a new SharedParameterMgr class to create the shared parameter to store the JSON output in.

This class is based on the ExportCncFab ExportParameters.cs module.

The shared parameter is automatically created if not already present, as in the following usage example:

// Check for shared parameter
// to store graph information.

Definition def = SharedParameterMgr.GetDefinition(
  desirableSystems.First<MEPSystem>() );

ifnull == def )
  SharedParameterMgr.Create( doc );

  def = SharedParameterMgr.GetDefinition(
    desirableSystems.First<MEPSystem>() );

  ifnull == def )
    message = "Error creating the "
      + "storage shared parameter.";

    return Result.Failed;

Here is the SharedParameterMgr class implementation:

/// <summary>
/// Shared parameters to keep store MEP system 
/// graph structure in JSON strings.
/// </summary>
class SharedParameterMgr
  /// <summary>
  /// Define the user visible shared parameter name.
  /// </summary>
  const string _shared_param_name = "MepSystemGraphJson";

  /// <summary>
  /// Return the parameter definition from
  /// the given element and parameter name.
  /// </summary>
  public static Definition GetDefinition( Element e )
    IList<Parameter> ps = e.GetParameters(
      _shared_param_name );

    int n = ps.Count;

    Debug.Assert( 1 >= n,
      "expected maximum one shared parameters "
      + "named " + _shared_param_name );

    Definition d = ( 0 == n )
      ? null
      : ps[0].Definition;

    return d;

  /// <summary>
  /// Create a new shared parameter definition 
  /// in the specified grpup.
  /// </summary>
  static Definition CreateNewDefinition(
    DefinitionGroup group,
    string parameter_name,
    ParameterType parameter_type )
    return group.Definitions.Create(
      new ExternalDefinitionCreationOptions(
        parameter_name, parameter_type ) );

  /// <summary>
  /// Create the shared parameter.
  /// </summary>
  public static void Create( Document doc )
    /// <summary>
    /// Shared parameters filename; used only in case
    /// none is set and we need to create the export
    /// history shared parameters.
    /// </summary>
    const string _shared_parameters_filename
      = "shared_parameters.txt";

    const string _definition_group_name
      = "TraverseAllSystems";

    Application app = doc.Application;

    // Retrieve shared parameter file name

    string sharedParamsFileName
      = app.SharedParametersFilename;

    ifnull == sharedParamsFileName
      || 0 == sharedParamsFileName.Length )
      string path = Path.GetTempPath();

      path = Path.Combine( path,
        _shared_parameters_filename );

      StreamWriter stream;
      stream = new StreamWriter( path );

      app.SharedParametersFilename = path;

        = app.SharedParametersFilename;

    // Retrieve shared parameter file object

    DefinitionFile f
      = app.OpenSharedParameterFile();

    usingTransaction t = new Transaction( doc ) )
      t.Start( "Create TraverseAllSystems "
        + "Shared Parameters" );

      // Create the category set for binding

      CategorySet catSet = app.Create.NewCategorySet();

      Category cat = doc.Settings.Categories.get_Item(
        BuiltInCategory.OST_DuctSystem );

      catSet.Insert( cat );

      cat = doc.Settings.Categories.get_Item(
        BuiltInCategory.OST_PipingSystem );

      catSet.Insert( cat );

      Binding binding = app.Create.NewInstanceBinding(
        catSet );

      // Retrieve or create shared parameter group

      DefinitionGroup group
        = f.Groups.get_Item( _definition_group_name )
        ?? f.Groups.Create( _definition_group_name );

      // Retrieve or create the three parameters;
      // we could check if they are already bound, 
      // but it looks like Insert will just ignore 
      // them in that case.

      Definition definition
        = group.Definitions.get_Item( _shared_param_name )
          ?? CreateNewDefinition( group,
            _shared_param_name, ParameterType.Text );

      doc.ParameterBindings.Insert( definition, binding,
        BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_GENERAL );



I implemented a new Options class to control two settings:

The class implementation is short, sweet and trivial:

class Options
  /// <summary>
  /// Store element id or UniqueId in JSON output?
  /// </summary>
  public static bool StoreUniqueId = false;
  public static bool StoreElementId = !StoreUniqueId;

  /// <summary>
  /// Store parent node id in child, or recursive 
  /// tree of children in parent?
  /// </summary>
  public static bool StoreJsonGraphBottomUp = false;
  public static bool StoreJsonGraphTopDown
    = !StoreJsonGraphBottomUp;

The two bottom-up and top-down JSON storage structures both comply with the jsTree JSON spec.

Bottom-Up JSON Structure

  { "id" : "ajson1", "parent" : "#", "text" : "Simple root node" },
  { "id" : "ajson2", "parent" : "#", "text" : "Root node 2" },
  { "id" : "ajson3", "parent" : "ajson2", "text" : "Child 1" },
  { "id" : "ajson4", "parent" : "ajson2", "text" : "Child 2" },

Top-Down JSON Structure

  id: -1,
  name: 'Root',
  children: [
    id: 0,
    name: 'Mechanical System',
    children: [
      id: 0_1,
      name: 'Child 0_1',
      type: 'window',
      otherField: 'something...',
      children: [
        id: 0_1_1,
        name: 'Grandchild 0_1_1'
    }, {
      id: 0_2,
      name: 'Child 0_2',
      children: [
        id: 0_2_1,
        name: 'Grandchild 0_2_1'
  }, {
    id: 2,
    name: 'Electrical System',
    children: [
      id: 2_1,
      name: 'Child 2_1',
      children: [{
        id: 2_1_1,
        name: 'Grandchild 2_1_1'
      id: 2_2,
      name: 'Child 2_2',
      children: [{
        id: 2_2_1,
        name: 'Grandchild 2_2_1'
    id: 3,
    name: 'Piping System',
    children: [
      id: 3_1,
      name: 'Child 3_1',
      children: [{
        id: 3_1_1,
        name: 'Grandchild 3_1_1'
      id: 3_2,
      name: 'Child 3_2',
      children: [{
        id: 3_2_1,
        name: 'Grandchild 3_2_1'

TraversalTree JSON Output Generator

The two TraversalTree JSON output generators DumpToJsonTopDown and DumpToJsonBottomUp are pretty trivial as well, since all the work is done by the individual tree nodes:

/// <summary>
/// Dump the top-down traversal graph into JSON.
/// In this case, each parent node is populated
/// with a full hierarchical graph of all its
/// children, cf.
/// </summary>
public string DumpToJsonTopDown()
  return m_startingElementNode

/// <summary>
/// Dump the bottom-up traversal graph into JSON.
/// In this case, each child node is equipped with 
/// a 'parent' pointer, cf.
/// </summary>
public string DumpToJsonBottomUp()
  List<string> a = new List<string>();
  m_startingElementNode.DumpToJsonBottomUp( a, "#" );
  return "[" + string.Join( ",", a ) + "]";

TreeNode JSON Output Generator

The two TreeNode JSON output generators are only slightly more complicated.

Here are the two formatting strings that they use:

/// <summary>
/// Format a tree node to JSON storing parent id 
/// in child node for bottom-up structure.
/// </summary>
const string _json_format_to_store_parent_in_child
  = "{{"
  + "\"id\" : {0}, "
  + "\"name\" : \"{1}\", "
  + "\"parent\" : {2}}}";

/// <summary>
/// Format a tree node to JSON storing a 
/// hierarchical tree of children ids in parent 
/// for top-down structure.
/// </summary>
const string _json_format_to_store_children_in_parent
  = "{{"
  + "\"id\" : {0}, "
  + "\"name\" : \"{1}\", "
  + "\"children\" : [{2}]}}";

Here are the two recursive functions implementing the JSON output:

static string GetName( Element e )
  return e.Name.Replace( "\"""'" );

static string GetId( Element e )
  return Options.StoreUniqueId
    ? "\"" + e.UniqueId + "\""
    : e.Id.IntegerValue.ToString();

/// <summary>
/// Add JSON strings representing all children 
/// of this node to the given collection.
/// </summary>
public void DumpToJsonBottomUp(
  List<string> json_collector,
  string parent_id )
  Element e = GetElementById( m_Id );
  string id = GetId( e );

  string json = string.Format(
    id, GetName( e ), parent_id );

  json_collector.Add( json );

  foreachTreeNode node in m_childNodes )
    node.DumpToJsonBottomUp( json_collector, id );

/// <summary>
/// Return a JSON string representing this node and
/// including the recursive hierarchical graph of 
/// all its all children.
/// </summary>
public string DumpToJsonTopDown()
  Element e = GetElementById( m_Id );

  List<string> json_collector = new List<string>();

  foreachTreeNode child in m_childNodes )
    json_collector.Add( child.DumpToJsonTopDown() );

  string json_kids = string.Join( ",", json_collector );

  string json = string.Format(
    GetId( e ), GetName( e ), json_kids );

  return json;

Download and To Do

The current state of this project is available from the TraverseAllSystems GitHub repository, and the version discussed above is release 2017.0.0.9.

The next step will consist of the Forge viewer extension implementation displaying a custom panel in the user interface hosting a tree view of the MEP system graphs and implementing two-way linking and selection functionality back and forth between the tree view nodes and the 2D and 3D viewer elements.

RevitLookup Updates

A couple of enhancement have been added to RevitLookup since I last mentioned it, most lately by awmcc90 and Shayne Hamel to handle exceptions snooping MEP elements, electrical circuits, flex ducts and flex pipes.

Here are the diffs:

Thank you very much for those improvements!

If you run into any issues with RevitLookup yourself, please fork the repository, implement and test your changes, and issue a pull request for me to integrate them back into the master branch.

Thank you!