Once again, the time has come to migrate add-ins to the new version of the Revit API.
Magson Leone in Brazil has been through this process every year now since Revit 2012 and got tired of maintaining separate versions of his code for each release of Revit.
He solved the problem by using Reflection to implement a whole host of Revit API compatibility helper methods that reroute the call to the proper underlying API method for any Revit API version.
In Magson's own words, interspersed with my spontaneous (and first ever!) translation from Portuguese:
Eu sou um programador brasileiro e tenho acompanhado com bastante frequência o material de excelente qualidade que você tem postado em seu blog. E por isto que quero te parabenizar pelo seu excelente trabalho.
I am a Brazilian programmer and frequently follow the high quality material you post on your blog. I would like to thank you for your excellent work.
Eu quero expor neste email uma sugestão de postagem sobre um assunto que eu não sei se você já postou, mas que é bastante interessante. É sobre compatibilizar o código fonte com as varias versões do Revit.
I would like to suggest a topic that I find very interesting and you may already have touched on, to support source code compatibility between different versions of Revit.
Eu trabalho com a API do revit desde a versão 2012 e todo ano eu faço uma copia do código fonte de cada plugin e o ajusto para a versão atual. Mas com o passar dos anos a quantidade de copias vai aumentando e sempre que um ajuste se torna necessário em um plugin eu preciso replicar estas mudanças em todas as copias do código fonte. E isto além de ser um pouco trabalhoso as vezes tem o problema de eu esquecer uma coisa ou outra, o que acaba gerando alguns bugs em uma versão ou outra. Então recentemente eu decidi trabalhar com Reflexão para uma unica versão do código fonte compatível com todas a versões do revit desde a versão 2012. Eu vou citar como exemplo o método Document.GetElement(); este método anteriormente era Document.get_Element(); então eu pensei: porque ao invés de eu criar uma cópia do codigo fonte eu não faço um método via reflexão que me possibilita os dois casos no mesmo codígo fonte?
I have been working with Revit since the version 2012. Every year, I am forced to copy every add-in's source code and adapt it for the new version. The number of copies continues to increase as the year go by. It is getting painful to maintain. Therefore I recently decided to use Reflection to implement one single source code version compatible with all versions of the Revit API since 2012. For example, let's look at the Document.GetElement method; it was previously named get_Element; so I thought: why not use reflection to implement code supporting both names for both cases?
Segue abaixo o metodo que cria usando Reflexão:
Here is the method I created using Reflection:
public static Element PegarElemento( this Document doc, ElementId id ) { Element ele = null; // Two different Revit versions: //ele = doc.get_Element(id); //ele = doc.GetElement(id); MethodInfo met = doc.GetType().GetMethod( "get_Element", new Type[] { typeof( ElementId ) } ); if( met == null ) { met = doc.GetType().GetMethod( "GetElement", new Type[] { typeof( ElementId ) } ); } ele = met.Invoke( doc, new object[] { id } ) as Element; return ele; }
Em acesso anexo eu estou te enviando um arquivo .cs contendo vários métodos extensões que eu criei para usar nos meus plugins afim de torna-los compatíveis com todos as versões do revit desde a versão 2012.
Here is my module correção_revit.cs containing various extension methods that I use in my add-ins to make them compatible with all versions of Revit since 2012.
I started integrating Magson's code into The Building Coder samples for easier access, sharing and to ensure that everything compiles correctly.
This turned up a couple of issues that Magson very kindly corrected:
First, the use of a global variable g
, and excessive line lengths for publishing on the blog, which allows a maximum of about 55 characters.
Magson responded: Vou fazer as correções que você sugeriu e além disso eu vou traduzir o nome de cada método para o idioma inglês, já que esta é a linguagem padrão da API. Assim que eu fizer estes ajustes eu te retorno.
Fiz os ajustes que você solicitou e traduzi a nomenclatura dos metodos para o idioma inglês. Para evitar que os métodos entrem em conflito com os métodos já existentes na API do Revit eu acrescentei o número do dois ao final do nome de cada método. Eu também agrupei os métodos de acordo com as classes que eles estão estendendo. Quanto a postagem eu acho que ficou muito boa, precisando apenas substituir a parte do código pelo novo código.
I'll add these changes and translate the method names to English, since it is the Revit API language anyway. I also appended a suffix 2 to each method name in order to avoid conflicts with existing Revit API ones, and grouped the extension methods by the Revit API classes they extend.
Answer: Thank you very much for the update. However...
I have a critical note on new method implementations, in which you added exception handlers catching all exceptions.
You should never catch all exceptions, as explained by these discussions on
C# catching all exceptions and
why catch(Exception)
and empty catch
is bad.
Therefore, something like this is not a good idea:
#region curve public static XYZ GetPoint2( this Curve curva, int i ) { XYZ value = null; try { MethodInfo met = curva.GetType().GetMethod( "GetEndPoint", new Type[] { typeof( int ) } ); if( met == null ) { met = curva.GetType().GetMethod( "get_EndPoint", new Type[] { typeof( int ) } ); } value = met.Invoke( curva, new object[] { i } ) as XYZ; } catch { } return value; } #endregion // curve
Would you like to remove the exception handlers again?
In general, you should not add exception handlers at all unless you really expect an exception to occur.
Are you expecting exceptions in all these methods?
I think the initial version without them was better.
If you see a need for them, then I would suggest catching the specific exception that you are expecting to occur.
Response: Muito obrigado Jeremy pelas suas criticas e sugestões. É a primeira vez que estou compartilhando um código de autoria minha, e por isto preciso muito da sua orientação. Se houver qualquer uma outra sugestão ou crítica, por favor me fale para que eu possa melhorar o código. Estou te enviando novamente o arquivo. Eu fiz uma correção no nome das regiões.
Thank you for the suggestions. This is the first time I share my code like this, so I am happy for some guidance. Here is the updated code with corrected region names.
The final resulting code defining all the compatibility methods needed by Magson now looks like this:
/// <summary> /// These compatibility helper methods make use of /// Reflection to determine which Revit method is /// available and call that. You can use these /// methods to create an add-in that is compatible /// across all versions of Revit from 2012 to 2016. /// </summary> public static class CompatibilityMethods { #region Autodesk.Revit.DB.Curve public static XYZ GetPoint2( this Curve curva, int i ) { XYZ value = null; MethodInfo met = curva.GetType().GetMethod( "GetEndPoint", new Type[] { typeof( int ) } ); if( met == null ) { met = curva.GetType().GetMethod( "get_EndPoint", new Type[] { typeof( int ) } ); } value = met.Invoke( curva, new object[] { i } ) as XYZ; return value; } #endregion // Autodesk.Revit.DB.Curve #region Autodesk.Revit.DB.Definitions public static Definition Create2( this Definitions definitions, Document doc, string nome, ParameterType tipo, bool visibilidade ) { Definition value = null; List<Type> ls = doc.GetType().Assembly .GetTypes().Where( a => a.IsClass && a .Name == "ExternalDefinitonCreationOptions" ).ToList(); if( ls.Count > 0 ) { Type t = ls[0]; ConstructorInfo c = t .GetConstructor( new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(ParameterType) } ); object ed = c .Invoke( new object[] { nome, tipo } ); ed.GetType().GetProperty( "Visible" ) .SetValue( ed, visibilidade, null ); value = definitions.GetType() .GetMethod( "Create", new Type[] { t } ).Invoke( definitions, new object[] { ed } ) as Definition; } else { value = definitions.GetType() .GetMethod( "Create", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(ParameterType), typeof(bool) } ).Invoke( definitions, new object[] { nome, tipo, visibilidade } ) as Definition; } return value; } #endregion // Autodesk.Revit.DB.Definitions #region Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document public static Element GetElement2( this Document doc, ElementId id ) { Element value = null; MethodInfo met = doc.GetType() .GetMethod( "get_Element", new Type[] { typeof( ElementId ) } ); if( met == null ) met = doc.GetType() .GetMethod( "GetElement", new Type[] { typeof( ElementId ) } ); value = met.Invoke( doc, new object[] { id } ) as Element; return value; } public static Element GetElement2( this Document doc, Reference refe ) { Element value = null; value = doc.GetElement( refe ); return value; } public static Line CreateLine2( this Document doc, XYZ p1, XYZ p2, bool bound = true ) { Line value = null; object[] parametros = new object[] { p1, p2 }; Type[] tipos = parametros.Select( a => a .GetType() ).ToArray(); string metodo = "CreateBound"; if( bound == false ) metodo = "CreateUnbound"; MethodInfo met = typeof( Line ) .GetMethod( metodo, tipos ); if( met != null ) { value = met.Invoke( null, parametros ) as Line; } else { parametros = new object[] { p1, p2, bound }; tipos = parametros.Select( a => a .GetType() ).ToArray(); value = doc.Application.Create .GetType().GetMethod( "NewLine", tipos ).Invoke( doc .Application.Create, parametros ) as Line; } return value; } public static Wall CreateWall2( this Document doc, Curve curve, ElementId wallTypeId, ElementId levelId, double height, double offset, bool flip, bool structural ) { Wall value = null; object[] parametros = new object[] { doc, curve, wallTypeId, levelId, height, offset, flip, structural }; Type[] tipos = parametros.Select( a => a .GetType() ).ToArray(); MethodInfo met = typeof( Wall ) .GetMethod( "Create", tipos ); if( met != null ) { value = met.Invoke( null, parametros ) as Wall; } else { parametros = new object[] { curve, (WallType)doc.GetElement2(wallTypeId), (Level)doc .GetElement2(levelId), height, offset, flip, structural }; tipos = parametros.Select( a => a .GetType() ).ToArray(); value = doc.Create.GetType() .GetMethod( "NewWall", tipos ).Invoke( doc.Create, parametros ) as Wall; } return value; } public static Arc CreateArc2( this Document doc, XYZ p1, XYZ p2, XYZ p3 ) { Arc value = null; object[] parametros = new object[] { p1, p2, p3 }; Type[] tipos = parametros.Select( a => a .GetType() ).ToArray(); string metodo = "Create"; MethodInfo met = typeof( Arc ) .GetMethod( metodo, tipos ); if( met != null ) { value = met.Invoke( null, parametros ) as Arc; } else { value = doc.Application.Create .GetType().GetMethod( "NewArc", tipos ).Invoke( doc .Application.Create, parametros ) as Arc; } return value; } public static char GetDecimalSymbol2( this Document doc ) { char valor = ','; MethodInfo met = doc.GetType() .GetMethod( "GetUnits" ); if( met != null ) { object temp = met.Invoke( doc, null ); PropertyInfo prop = temp.GetType() .GetProperty( "DecimalSymbol" ); object o = prop.GetValue( temp, null ); if( o.ToString() == "Comma" ) valor = ','; else valor = '.'; } else { object temp = doc.GetType() .GetProperty( "ProjectUnit" ).GetValue( doc, null ); PropertyInfo prop = temp.GetType() .GetProperty( "DecimalSymbolType" ); object o = prop.GetValue( temp, null ); if( o.ToString() == "DST_COMMA" ) valor = ','; else valor = '.'; } return valor; } public static void UnjoinGeometry2( this Document doc, Element firstElement, Element secondElement ) { List<Type> ls = doc.GetType().Assembly .GetTypes().Where( a => a.IsClass && a .Name == "JoinGeometryUtils" ).ToList(); object[] parametros = new object[] { doc, firstElement, secondElement }; Type[] tipos = parametros.Select( a => a .GetType() ).ToArray(); if( ls.Count > 0 ) { Type t = ls[0]; MethodInfo met = t .GetMethod( "UnjoinGeometry", tipos ); met.Invoke( null, parametros ); } } public static void JoinGeometry2( this Document doc, Element firstElement, Element secondElement ) { List<Type> ls = doc.GetType().Assembly .GetTypes().Where( a => a.IsClass && a .Name == "JoinGeometryUtils" ).ToList(); object[] parametros = new object[] { doc, firstElement, secondElement }; Type[] tipos = parametros.Select( a => a .GetType() ).ToArray(); if( ls.Count > 0 ) { Type t = ls[0]; MethodInfo met = t .GetMethod( "JoinGeometry", tipos ); met.Invoke( null, parametros ); } } public static bool IsJoined2( this Document doc, Element firstElement, Element secondElement ) { bool value = false; List<Type> ls = doc.GetType().Assembly .GetTypes().Where( a => a.IsClass && a .Name == "JoinGeometryUtils" ).ToList(); object[] parametros = new object[] { doc, firstElement, secondElement }; Type[] tipos = parametros.Select( a => a .GetType() ).ToArray(); if( ls.Count > 0 ) { Type t = ls[0]; MethodInfo met = t .GetMethod( "AreElementsJoined", tipos ); value = (bool) met.Invoke( null, parametros ); } return value; } public static bool CalculateVolumeArea2( this Document doc, bool value ) { List<Type> ls = doc.GetType().Assembly .GetTypes().Where( a => a.IsClass && a .Name == "AreaVolumeSettings" ).ToList(); if( ls.Count > 0 ) { Type t = ls[0]; object[] parametros = new object[] { doc }; Type[] tipos = parametros .Select( a => a.GetType() ).ToArray(); MethodInfo met = t .GetMethod( "GetAreaVolumeSettings", tipos ); object temp = met.Invoke( null, parametros ); temp.GetType() .GetProperty( "ComputeVolumes" ).SetValue( temp, value, null ); } else { PropertyInfo prop = doc.Settings .GetType().GetProperty( "VolumeCalculationSetting" ); object temp = prop.GetValue( doc .Settings, null ); prop = temp.GetType() .GetProperty( "VolumeCalculationOptions" ); temp = prop.GetValue( temp, null ); prop = temp.GetType() .GetProperty( "VolumeComputationEnable" ); prop.SetValue( temp, value, null ); } return value; } public static Group CreateGroup2( this Document doc, List<Element> elementos ) { Group value = null; ElementSet eleset = new ElementSet(); foreach( Element ele in elementos ) { eleset.Insert( ele ); } ICollection<ElementId> col = elementos .Select( a => a.Id ).ToList(); object obj = doc.Create; MethodInfo met = obj.GetType() .GetMethod( "NewGroup", new Type[] { col.GetType() } ); if( met != null ) { met.Invoke( obj, new object[] { col } ); } else { met = obj.GetType() .GetMethod( "NewGroup", new Type[] { eleset.GetType() } ); met.Invoke( obj, new object[] { eleset } ); } return value; } public static void Delete2( this Document doc, Element ele ) { object obj = doc; MethodInfo met = obj.GetType() .GetMethod( "Delete", new Type[] { typeof( Element ) } ); if( met != null ) { met.Invoke( obj, new object[] { ele } ); } else { met = obj.GetType() .GetMethod( "Delete", new Type[] { typeof( ElementId ) } ); met.Invoke( obj, new object[] { ele .Id } ); } } #endregion // Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document #region Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element public static Element Level2( this Element ele ) { Element value = null; Document doc = ele.Document; Type t = ele.GetType(); if( t.GetProperty( "Level" ) != null ) value = t.GetProperty( "Level" ) .GetValue( ele, null ) as Element; else value = doc.GetElement2( (ElementId) t .GetProperty( "LevelId" ).GetValue( ele, null ) ); return value; } public static List<Material> Materiais2( this Element ele ) { List<Material> value = new List<Material>(); Document doc = ele.Document; Type t = ele.GetType(); if( t.GetProperty( "Materials" ) != null ) value = ( (IEnumerable) t .GetProperty( "Materials" ).GetValue( ele, null ) ).Cast<Material>() .ToList(); else { MethodInfo met = t .GetMethod( "GetMaterialIds", new Type[] { typeof( bool ) } ); value = ( (ICollection<ElementId>) met .Invoke( ele, new object[] { false } ) ) .Select( a => doc.GetElement2( a ) ).Cast<Material>().ToList(); } return value; } public static Parameter GetParameter2( this Element ele, string nome_paramentro ) { Parameter value = null; Type t = ele.GetType(); MethodInfo met = t .GetMethod( "LookupParameter", new Type[] { typeof( string ) } ); if( met == null ) met = t.GetMethod( "get_Parameter", new Type[] { typeof( string ) } ); value = met.Invoke( ele, new object[] { nome_paramentro } ) as Parameter; if( value == null ) { var pas = ele.Parameters .Cast<Parameter>().ToList(); if( pas.Exists( a => a.Definition .Name.ToLower() == nome_paramentro.Trim().ToLower() ) ) value = pas.First( a => a .Definition.Name.ToLower() == nome_paramentro.Trim() .ToLower() ); } return value; } public static Parameter GetParameter2( this Element ele, BuiltInParameter builtInParameter ) { Parameter value = null; Type t = ele.GetType(); MethodInfo met = t .GetMethod( "LookupParameter", new Type[] { typeof( BuiltInParameter ) } ); if( met == null ) met = t.GetMethod( "get_Parameter", new Type[] { typeof( BuiltInParameter ) } ); value = met.Invoke( ele, new object[] { builtInParameter } ) as Parameter; return value; } public static double GetMaterialArea2( this Element ele, Material m ) { double value = 0; Type t = ele.GetType(); MethodInfo met = t .GetMethod( "GetMaterialArea", new Type[] { typeof(ElementId), typeof(bool) } ); if( met != null ) { value = (double) met.Invoke( ele, new object[] { m.Id, false } ); } else { met = t.GetMethod( "GetMaterialArea", new Type[] { typeof( Element ) } ); value = (double) met.Invoke( ele, new object[] { m } ); } return value; } public static double GetMaterialVolume2( this Element ele, Material m ) { double value = 0; Type t = ele.GetType(); MethodInfo met = t .GetMethod( "GetMaterialVolume", new Type[] { typeof(ElementId), typeof(bool) } ); if( met != null ) { value = (double) met.Invoke( ele, new object[] { m.Id, false } ); } else { met = t .GetMethod( "GetMaterialVolume", new Type[] { typeof( ElementId ) } ); value = (double) met.Invoke( ele, new object[] { m.Id } ); } return value; } public static List<GeometryObject> GetGeometricObjects2( this Element ele ) { List<GeometryObject> value = new List<GeometryObject>(); Options op = new Options(); object obj = ele.get_Geometry( op ); PropertyInfo prop = obj.GetType() .GetProperty( "Objects" ); if( prop != null ) { obj = prop.GetValue( obj, null ); IEnumerable arr = obj as IEnumerable; foreach( GeometryObject geo in arr ) { value.Add( geo ); } } else { IEnumerable<GeometryObject> geos = obj as IEnumerable<GeometryObject>; foreach( var geo in geos ) { value.Add( geo ); } } return value; } #endregion // Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element #region Autodesk.Revit.DB.FamilySymbol public static void EnableFamilySymbol2( this FamilySymbol fsymbol ) { MethodInfo met = fsymbol.GetType() .GetMethod( "Activate" ); if( met != null ) { met.Invoke( fsymbol, null ); } } #endregion // Autodesk.Revit.DB.FamilySymbol #region Autodesk.Revit.DB.InternalDefinition public static void VaryGroup2( this InternalDefinition def, Document doc ) { object[] parametros = new object[] { doc, true }; Type[] tipos = parametros.Select( a => a .GetType() ).ToArray(); MethodInfo met = def.GetType() .GetMethod( "SetAllowVaryBetweenGroups", tipos ); if( met != null ) { met.Invoke( def, parametros ); } } #endregion // Autodesk.Revit.DB.InternalDefinition #region Autodesk.Revit.DB.Part public static ElementId GetSource2( this Part part ) { ElementId value = null; PropertyInfo prop = part.GetType() .GetProperty( "OriginalDividedElementId" ); if( prop != null ) value = prop.GetValue( part, null ) as ElementId; else { MethodInfo met = part.GetType() .GetMethod( "GetSourceElementIds" ); object temp = met.Invoke( part, null ); met = temp.GetType() .GetMethod( "First" ); temp = met.Invoke( temp, null ); prop = temp.GetType() .GetProperty( "HostElementId" ); value = prop.GetValue( temp, null ) as ElementId; } return value; } #endregion // Autodesk.Revit.DB.Part #region Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection.Selection public static List<Element> GetSelection2( this Selection sel, Document doc ) { List<Element> value = new List<Element>(); sel.GetElementIds(); Type t = sel.GetType(); if( t.GetMethod( "GetElementIds" ) != null ) { MethodInfo met = t .GetMethod( "GetElementIds" ); value = ( (ICollection<ElementId>) met .Invoke( sel, null ) ).Select( a => doc.GetElement2( a ) ) .ToList(); } else { value = ( (IEnumerable) t .GetProperty( "Elements" ).GetValue( sel, null ) ).Cast<Element>() .ToList(); } return value; } public static void SetSelection2( this Selection sel, Document doc, ICollection<ElementId> elementos ) { sel.ClearSelection2(); object[] parametros = new object[] { elementos }; Type[] tipos = parametros.Select( a => a .GetType() ).ToArray(); MethodInfo met = sel.GetType() .GetMethod( "SetElementIds", tipos ); if( met != null ) { met.Invoke( sel, parametros ); } else { PropertyInfo prop = sel.GetType() .GetProperty( "Elements" ); object temp = prop.GetValue( sel, null ); if( elementos.Count == 0 ) { met = temp.GetType() .GetMethod( "Clear" ); met.Invoke( temp, null ); } else { foreach( ElementId id in elementos ) { Element elemento = doc .GetElement2( id ); parametros = new object[] { elemento }; tipos = parametros .Select( a => a.GetType() ).ToArray(); met = temp.GetType() .GetMethod( "Add", tipos ); met.Invoke( temp, parametros ); } } } } public static void ClearSelection2( this Selection sel ) { PropertyInfo prop = sel.GetType() .GetProperty( "Elements" ); if( prop != null ) { object obj = prop.GetValue( sel, null ); MethodInfo met = obj.GetType() .GetMethod( "Clear" ); met.Invoke( obj, null ); } else { ICollection<ElementId> ids = new List<ElementId>(); MethodInfo met = sel.GetType().GetMethod( "SetElementIds", new Type[] { ids.GetType() } ); met.Invoke( sel, new object[] { ids } ); } } #endregion // Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection.Selection #region Autodesk.Revit.UI.UIApplication public static System.Drawing .Rectangle GetDrawingArea2( this UIApplication ui ) { System.Drawing.Rectangle value = System .Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds; return value; } #endregion // Autodesk.Revit.UI.UIApplication #region Autodesk.Revit.DB.View public static ElementId Duplicate2( this View view ) { ElementId value = null; Document doc = view.Document; List<Type> ls = doc.GetType().Assembly.GetTypes() .Where( a => a.IsEnum && a.Name == "ViewDuplicateOption" ) .ToList(); if( ls.Count > 0 ) { Type t = ls[0]; object obj = view; MethodInfo met = view.GetType().GetMethod( "Duplicate", new Type[] { t } ); if( met != null ) { value = met.Invoke( obj, new object[] { 2 } ) as ElementId; } } return value; } public static void SetOverlayView2( this View view, List<ElementId> ids, Color cor = null, int espessura = -1 ) { Document doc = view.Document; List<Type> ls = doc.GetType().Assembly .GetTypes().Where( a => a.IsClass && a.Name == "OverrideGraphicSettings" ) .ToList(); if( ls.Count > 0 ) { Type t = ls[0]; ConstructorInfo construtor = t .GetConstructor( new Type[] { } ); construtor.Invoke( new object[] { } ); object obj = construtor.Invoke( new object[] { } ); MethodInfo met = obj.GetType() .GetMethod( "SetProjectionLineColor", new Type[] { cor.GetType() } ); met.Invoke( obj, new object[] { cor } ); met = obj.GetType() .GetMethod( "SetProjectionLineWeight", new Type[] { espessura.GetType() } ); met.Invoke( obj, new object[] { espessura } ); met = view.GetType() .GetMethod( "SetElementOverrides", new Type[] { typeof(ElementId), obj.GetType() } ); foreach( ElementId id in ids ) { met.Invoke( view, new object[] { id, obj } ); } } else { MethodInfo met = view.GetType() .GetMethod( "set_ProjColorOverrideByElement", new Type[] { typeof( ICollection<ElementId> ), typeof( Color ) } ); met.Invoke( view, new object[] { ids, cor } ); met = view.GetType() .GetMethod( "set_ProjLineWeightOverrideByElement", new Type[] { typeof( ICollection<ElementId> ), typeof( int ) } ); met.Invoke( view, new object[] { ids, espessura } ); } } #endregion // Autodesk.Revit.DB.View #region Autodesk.Revit.DB.Viewplan public static ElementId GetViewTemplateId2( this ViewPlan view ) { ElementId value = null; PropertyInfo prop = view.GetType() .GetProperty( "ViewTemplateId" ); if( prop != null ) { value = prop.GetValue( view, null ) as ElementId; } return value; } public static void SetViewTemplateId2( this ViewPlan view, ElementId id ) { PropertyInfo prop = view.GetType() .GetProperty( "ViewTemplateId" ); if( prop != null ) { prop.SetValue( view, id, null ); } } #endregion // Autodesk.Revit.DB.Viewplan #region Autodesk.Revit.DB.Wall public static void FlipWall2( this Wall wall ) { string metodo = "Flip"; MethodInfo met = typeof( Wall ) .GetMethod( metodo ); if( met != null ) { met.Invoke( wall, null ); } else { metodo = "flip"; met = typeof( Wall ).GetMethod( metodo ); met.Invoke( wall, null ); } } #endregion // Autodesk.Revit.DB.Wall }
The updated version of The Building Code samples including these compatibility methods is release 2015.0.120.13.
Many thanks to Magson for this useful idea, his work on implementing these methods and sharing it with us all!