I arrived safe and sound at AU.
Last week was pretty hectic with preparations for both AU and DevDays, and I never got around to writing anything here.
The weekend was also pretty full.
Unlike previous years, I did not leave Europe until the last possible moment, so no visit to the desert for me this time around.
The reason was my friend Sonja, who invited 100 friends to a half-day 'Be the Change' or Awakening the Dreamer Symposium on Saturday afternoon along the lines of The Pachamama Alliance.
The twenty-minute Story of Stuff presents a summary of some of the aspects we looked at together.
It was very inspiring, alhtough I personally still think I lead a pretty sustainable everyday life.
It felt a bit unsustainable to go off and fly across the Atlantic Ocean the very next day, though.
Anyway, I arrived safe and sound, the DevDay conference is about to begin, and I am looking forward to seeing all of you Revit developers face to face in the next few days!