Yesterday was the first day of the Revit API training in Munich. As usual, I was able to learn something new.
Frank Neuberg of MAX BÖGL assembled and tested the following summary of information sources related to using Visual Studio 2010 and its Express version for creating and debugging a Revit add-in.
I've summarized some information sources to set up an integrated debugging process for class library projects together with Revit.exe (2011) in C# Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition:
Currently available information on the web/blogs:
Summary of changes to enable debugging class libraries with Revit.exe:
A. Edit the Revit.exe.config file (normally located in the Revit Program directory). Add the following section (preferably at the end of the file):
<startup> <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727" /> </startup> </configuration>
B. Edit your C# project file (like 'myCSProject.csproj') manually and add the last lines specifying the StartAction and StartProgram tags to each PropertyGroup for which you want to enable debugging with Revit.exe:
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug %28For Release build of Revit%29|AnyCPU' "> <OutputPath>bin\Debug\</OutputPath> <AllowUnsafeBlocks>false</AllowUnsafeBlocks> <BaseAddress>285212672</BaseAddress> <CheckForOverflowUnderflow>false</CheckForOverflowUnderflow> <ConfigurationOverrideFile> </ConfigurationOverrideFile> <DefineConstants>DEBUG;TRACE</DefineConstants> <DocumentationFile> </DocumentationFile> <DebugSymbols>true</DebugSymbols> <FileAlignment>4096</FileAlignment> <Optimize>false</Optimize> <RegisterForComInterop>false</RegisterForComInterop> <RemoveIntegerChecks>false</RemoveIntegerChecks> <TreatWarningsAsErrors>false</TreatWarningsAsErrors> <WarningLevel>4</WarningLevel> <DebugType>full</DebugType> <ErrorReport>prompt</ErrorReport> <UseVSHostingProcess>true</UseVSHostingProcess> <StartAction>Program</StartAction> <StartProgram>C:\Program Files\Revit Architecture 2011\Program\Revit.exe</StartProgram> </PropertyGroup>
C. Unfortunately the new entry for debugging with Revit.exe is not visible in the project property pallette > Tab: 'Debugging' within the C# IDE - EE, but it works anyway:
Many thanks to Frank for testing and documenting this for us!