Now that we have got the getting started material out of the way, let us embark on the great adventure of free unstructured day to day blogging. If you think there is anything still missing for the getting started material, please let me know. Also, please let me know if you have any comments on the material I post or wishes and ideas for other subjects that I have not yet touched. I can obviously make no guarantees about anything, especially not that I will actually be able to address any requests or questions raised. The idea behind this blog is for me to be able to chit-chat about anything that I find interesting and that may be of use to the wider community and participate in a constructive dialogue on the Revit API. On the other hand, I do have a day time job that I need to take care of first. I will also be away now and then, on holiday or involved in other commitments where I have limited Internet access, so please bear with me if it occasionally takes a while for me to reply to some input.
One of the things I could talk about next are the labs included with the Revit API introductory material mentioned in the post on Getting Started with the Revit API. Another potential topic might be looking into the Revit SDK samples in more detail. I might do that, since I have to prepare a presentation on that topic for Autodesk University in Las Vegas in December. Finally, and most attractive for me at the moment, is to just talk about anything that comes to mind.
A nice little subject of that kind is looking into the samples that I created interactively with the participants in a recent Revit API introductory workshop. As a first step to exploring API access to the Revit BIM, we implemented a little plug-in which selects all wall elements in the database and lists the area and length of each.
This gave us an opportunity to discuss a number of interesting details, such as some debugging support included in the .NET framework, the handling of units in Revit, parameter access and location definition on Revit database elements, etc.